ITV 92 | How You Do Less :: Leaders Who Give a Damn {Part 3 of 4}


“Busy.” You have heard it.

It is the most common answer to “how are you doing?” and “how is work going?” and “what are your kids up to?” and “how was your break?”.

We are, it seems, epidemically BUSY.

So when we even mention of the idea of doing less to do more, I can see the eyes rolling already. It is such a nice thought.

And totally undoable.

But is it really?

You have hopefully caught the past two episodes in this Isogo TV Podcast series called Leaders Who Give A Damn — all about effective, inspiring leadership.

We’re talking about leadership because it is all around us.

As a follower, you can feel that effective leadership is all about the PEOPLE. As a leader, sometimes you get so caught up in the day to day that you miss the PEOPLE.

Over this series, I partnered with Murray Guest who is a world renown expert not only in the strengths perspective but also on culture and the impact that leadership has on creating thriving organizations.

We are excited to partner on this podcast series and a few, fun programs ahead as we talk about some aspects of leadership that are perhaps LEAST talked about yet have the opportunity to be MOST impactful in your role as leader,

Whether you’re in that role as a leader now or it’s you in the future, this series is for you.

Today on Episode 92 of the Isogo TV podcast, we get into a real challenge for leaders — the idea about doing less to do more.

LESS of what does not matter and MORE of what does matter. The conversation starts to tackle and dialogue about this plague of busyness that we as leaders live day in and day out.

In the episode, I challenge Murray a few times because my natural tendency is to be a busy leader, not necessarily stopping to be sure I am working on the right things.

So you will get to be in on his reaction and his wise response as we unwrap this idea of being a leader who is doing LESS to do MORE.

So, watch+listen below or catch the interview on iTunes, YouTube, GooglePlay, or Stitcher.




So, don’t you think that there is some significant paradigm shifting that needs to happen here in the lives of our leaders? Potentially in your role as leader too.

The mindset of doing less to do more is not a natural one for most.

Leaders that others are excited to work for and to follow, truly are those who care that they are doing the RIGHT things, not ALL the things. And they are enabling their teams to do inspiring and challenging work as as result.

So, as your virtual coach today, I challenge you {and myself!} to pause long enough to reflect on the elements of what you are doing, and know that the pause will be worth it in the end as you do more of what makes an impact on your team and the bottom line and do away with the waste.

Also, you are not going to want to miss a give-a-damn resource that Murray and I have been scheming about and putting together for you.

It is an Infographic that in one at-a-glance page summarizes 90 behaviors of leaders who give a damn. Other great leaders are already talking about this crowd sourced infographic — they love it and we think you will too.

You can find it at:

Next episode, join us as we wrap up this 4 Part series with a conversation around making a safe space as a leader. It is perhaps the best and most impactful one yet.

If you missed Part 1 about the Little Things of leadership or Part 2 about How You Show Up, then be sure to check those out, too.

watch isogotv on itunes listen isogotv on itunes subscribe isogotv on youtube

{Also available on GooglePlay and Stitcher.}



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