ITV 89 | Tackling the Unknown Career Challenge Using Strengths {with Eduardo Villavicencio}

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With confidence, he stood chatting with a recruiter at a career fair. Putting aside the career challenge and uncertainty he faced, he described the value he provides and how he thrives. He was enthused and firing on all cylinders.

Two weeks later, he landed the job.

For the first time in his life, he clearly saw and could articulate his own value, so he could confidently say “yes” to the right role and “no” to the others.

Today, on Isogo TV Podcast Episode 89, you get to hear from the middle of Eduardo Villavicencio’s career journey.

Eduardo is currently a Sr. Consultant of Organizational Transformation at Grant Thornton, and a skilled independent facilitator on a variety of subjects — from resilience, diversity and inclusion, strengths based development, sales, feedback sessions and more. He is rich in career experience, and education from places like like Harvard, Johns Hopkins University.

Plus, he is a dance enthusiast who uses the art of partnership in dance to teach leadership and team work. How snazzy is that!

Today, Eduardo shares about the unknown career challenges that his strengths revealed and the career clarity and trajectory they created for him — even directing him closer toward his IKIGAI, his reason for being.

It’s a middle-of-the-journey kinda story that is relatable to you, and to me, as we go through the ebbs and flow of career challenges ourselves.

So, watch+listen below or catch his interview on iTunes, YouTube, GooglePlay, or Stitcher.

StrengthsFinder Best Career Tool



What I love about Eduardo’s story is the passion and enthusiasm that oozes from his experience and his being.

He learned that the richness of his unique strengths would be {and will be} what lead him to his greatest career happiness, and ultimately to his reason for being.

Now that is something that can inspire us all to lean into our strengths and use them to specifically impact the next changes we’re looking for.

You can connect personally with Eduardo Villavicencio over on LinkedIn. I know he and his WOO would love that!

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{Also available on GooglePlay and Stitcher.}



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