ITV 79 | Your Strengths + A Career Like Vacation {Interview :: Scott Barlow}

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He’s been miserable, he’s dreaded his days, he’s gained 50 pounds, he’s even been fired. Yet, now, with the agony in the rearview mirror, he recently told his wife—“I have a career like vacation.”

After you listen in on this conversation with Scott Anthony Barlow, you will believe that you can, too.

Scott is the Founder and CEO of Happen to Your Career. He has become a top expert in career happiness—featured on CNBC, Yahoo, Huffington Post and various Colleges and Universities and more.

When he’s not traveling with his wife and three kids, he and his team run two of the top 5 “Career Change” Podcasts on iTunes including the Happen to Your Career Podcast.

Today, as Scott shares his own career and strengths journey, he also offers clarity about pursuing a “career like vacation” in a way that is truly attainable.

In Isogo TV Podcast Episode 79—the last of 2018—you will hear about Scott’s Story of Change that started with hating a job. And evolved to figuring out he could make change in his life and career—by focusing on what was strong about him instead of what was weak.

Plus, learn:

  • the fuel that being fired adds to a career change
  • his career’s drain on his physical health and the turnaround that followed
  • practical ways to begin to use your strengths even when it is not in your job description
  • the upward cycle that takes place when you start to do things you’re naturally good at {it’s exciting and fascinating to hear…this is gold!}
  • what it truly feels like to spend your days in a career like vacation

If you are mid-career transition…or want to be, you are going to be inspired to take the next best step.

Click below to listen or watch — or join direct on iTunes or YouTube.

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Scott’s story provides such clarity in not only what it looks like to experience change by knowing and using your strengths, but also in what it takes to really get there.

You can find out more about Scott Anthony Barlow and his business, Happen to Your Career, at and definitely be sure to checkout his top rated career podcast also called Happen to Your Career. It is a worthy listen to add to your queue if you’re interested in career happiness.

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