ITV 75 | Your Strengths + Being You in Tragedy {Interview :: Jamie Librot}

clifton strengths episode 75 jamie librot

When personal tragedy strikes, it is then that our true test of character and authenticity rises. In tragedy, as Jamie Librot discovered, your Strengths can shine or disrupt. Today she is telling her story.

Jamie Librot is no stranger to CliftonStrengths, StrengthsFinder or the strengths-perspective. As a former Gallup consultant and top sales person for years on end, she fluently speaks the language of workplace engagement, strengths, and coaching.

Yet, it took personal tragedy and a journey to self-discovery to fully realize the power of being herself — in the depth of her relationships, her own healing, and ultimately in her day-to-day success as a leader and influencer.

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Today on Isogo TV Podcast Episode 75, in a world that stifles with pretense, Jamie offers a deep breath of fresh air with her story of the impact of personal tragedy on her Strengths {and vice versa}.

Click to watch + listen below, OR listen directly via iTunes + watch directly via YouTube.



Jamie’s story really challenged me to reexamine the person I bring to each situation I encounter — whether with friends, family or in my work role. I hope it does the same for you.

Get in touch with Jamie Librot over on LinkedIn, and learn more about her new organization with a mission, Sabert, here.

Next week, you’ll hear from one of the most self-motivated, dream-following leaders I know. Kat Rippy shares her story of change–from a pattern of stifling job duties, to the freedom to truly following her strengths.

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