Top 6 Best Isogo TV Podcasts of 2018

Best Isogo TV Podcast

As 2019 begins, we’re taking the year at a glance…to see what you, our Isogo TV podcast listeners and watchers, say are the Top 6 best Isogo TV podcast episodes of 2018!

From strengths-based conflict resolution to compelling Stories of Change through understanding the strengths perspective, 2018 was a hallmark year for the Isogo TV Podcast — all about the power of the strengths perspective to for marriage connection, parenting grace and work energy!

In Ranked Order, here are the Top 6, most downloaded, best Isogo TV Podcast Episodes for 2018:

No. 1 :: Your Strengths + Brave Career Transitions {Interview :: Kathy Kersten} | ITV 68

Have you heard a still small voice calling you to make a major change? Have you sensed your life needs a shift — a career transition? You will be inspired to make the career change that your life is calling you toward. In Isogo TV Episode 68, Kathy Kersten shares her own Story of Life Change that unfolded as she followed the path of her Strengths. Click to Listen or Watch!

No. 2 :: Your Strengths + Marriage Tension Transformed {Interview :: Murray Guest} | ITV 69

Even in an already great marriage, the strengths-perspective can come in to reduce tension and provide a shortcut to giving the love your spouse really needs. {Even when it comes to money!} On Isogo TV Episode 69, Murray Guest opens up the door to his home and tells the authentic story of day-to-day marriage tension that has been transformed into a genuine “seek first to understand” love connection between them. Click to Listen or Watch!

StrengthsFinder 34 connect marriage resource

No. 3 :: Your Strengths + The Process of Personal Impact {Interview :: Annamarie Mann} | ITV 71

If there is a process that leads to personal impact through your strengths, Annamarie Mann has a corner on the market. In Episode 71 of the Isogo TV Podcast, we get a glimpse beyond her extensive corporate success and influence, into a different slice of her life. She shares with us a four step process that she has followed to experience impact in her personal life, through her Strengths—from her own internal dialogue, to her marriage, to her parenting. Click to Listen or Watch!

No. 4 :: Your Strengths + Getting Unstuck {Interview :: Paul Allen} | ITV 73

strengths Ep73 paul allen feature ancestry

Paul Allen — tech startup genius, brilliant people-manager {though it wasn’t always that way!}, and an all together stand-up family man — shares his Strengths Story of Change with us. Known for founding and now, not only shares his stories with us today, he compels us to believe — that we can use our strengths to get unstuck and make a change for the good in our work + home + world. Click to Listen or Watch!

clifton strengths maven insights

No. 5 :: The Power of Perception in Your Conflict {conflict resolution 1 of 6} | ITV 62

isogo tv episode 62 feature image

Our emotions are the strongest driver in our decision making and ability to resolve conflict. When we understand, explore, and harness our emotional templates, we can walk the first step toward resolving our conflicts. Click to Listen or Watch this first episode in our Conflict Resolution series!

No. 6 :: Your Strengths + The Power of a Coach {Interview :: Richard Sterry} | ITV 77

clifton strengths episode 77 isogo tv richard sterry

A 200 mile journey, all for a coach. By the time you hear Richard Sterry’s story of change, you just may be willing to drive a journey for a coach as well. In Episode 77, you’ll here how he discovers his Strengths much by accident, then experiences incremental daily change that has ultimately transformed his life and work. His journey could truly be the path that is meant for you too. Click to Listen or Watch!


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