Calling all Coaches to

Coach sign up for soar

Calling all coaches to

This week, I chatted with an incredible entrepreneur-coach-wife-mom whose husband is an athletic coach. So, they are both coaches.

In his role as a coach, it’s a given. The team would never consider gathering together and taking on the opposing team or the game without a coach.

In her role as a coach, though, she still has to fight for it, to have a seat in the huddle.

{And as a side note: There is an Isogo TV Podcast Interview Series coming soon—where you will hear stories of life change direct from her and other amazing folks!}

The truth is, everyone needs a coach. Someone to guide, direct, encourage, make plans, redirect, deliver the tough swallows, and send you off to do what you do best, equipped and ready.

There is probably no one I know who believes that more than Paul Allen.

StrengthsFinder Bring Need Tool

Paul, founder of, is the type of guy that dreams and builds and gives. When he does, it is never small. It is always big.

As we speak, he is building something amazing. To support coaches. To provide coaching. To give everyone the drive to find a coach. To provide a place for everyone to find a coach.

To spread the life changing impact of understanding who you are and how you are wired to thrive.

Introducing A Platform for Coaches

Paul and his team are building

When I heard him speak at the 2016 Gallup Strengths Summit, the room brimmed with the energy of his conviction — “It’s time, my friends, to spark a movement of Strengths; in every home, in every school, in every community, in every state, in every nation, across the world.”

To do this, he and his all-star team, are building a platform, a network, and a community. image

Not sure if he and Clint Carlos, co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer at Soar, would agree, but it helps me to think of the future as being the Yelp {ratings}, Lynda {content + tools}, Ancestry {network capacity}, LinkedIn {transparency + professionalism} of coaching {and maybe one other with an emphasis on service?!}, all with the purpose of connecting quality coaches to worthy clients, so that one life at a time, we can change the world.

Fall 2018, opened their doors for registration. The Basic Version is FREE, so go and explore. There are new features being added every day.

As a seasoned coach or a newbie, you can claim a URL and settle in for being the first to know about each step of progress along the way, and join in on the front of the movement.

From the folks at — “As you are changing lives with your coaching, we want to help you reach more people and create lasting impact!”

Register at 



Links & Resources from today

Meet Paul Allen |
Get your own BRING It | NEED It {free resource} right here
Isogo TV Podcast
{9 Steps} to Life Change through your StrengthsFinder Top 5 Strengths
The Expected and Unexpected Takeaways from the Gallup CliftonStrengths Summit 2016


The Strengths-perspective can impact your marriage, your parenting, and your work!

If you’re into it or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it. You can catch me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, all at @isogostrong, by this handy contact form, or in our Energy Up Frustration Down facebook group.

Enjoy your day, and {be strong}!

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